Day 22: How to Add Interaction to SVG elements with JavaScript

We can not only manipulate an SVG from JavaScript but we can also assign event listeners to parts of an SVG. Here, by clicking the red button we switch on or off the lights. The possibilities are endless. You can even create a full-featured game with SVG and JavaScript.

<svg class="lights" width="200" height="200" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
      const button = document.getElementById("button");
      let lightsOn = false;

      button.addEventListener("click", () => {
        const bulbs = document.querySelectorAll(".b");
        bulbs[0].setAttribute("fill", lightsOn ? "white" : "#FFC05B");
        bulbs[1].setAttribute("fill", lightsOn ? "white" : "#F86285");
        bulbs[2].setAttribute("fill", lightsOn ? "white" : "#03A8A8");
        bulbs[3].setAttribute("fill", lightsOn ? "white" : "#748CEF");
        lightsOn = !lightsOn;

    <g id="bulb">
      <path d="M 0,0 Q 20 25 0 40 Q -20 25 0 0" />
      <rect x="-6" y="-1" width="12" height="10" rx="3" fill="#5F4C6C" />

  <path d="M -140 -60 Q -70 -50 0 -60 Q 110 -70 110 10" />
  <line x1="-70" y1="-15" x2="-70" y2="-55" />
  <line x1="30" y1="-25" x2="30" y2="-60" />
  <use class="b" href="#bulb" x="-120" y="-45" transform="rotate(5)" />
  <use class="b" href="#bulb" x="-70" y="-15" />
  <use class="b" href="#bulb" x="-20" y="-57" transform="rotate(-5)" />
  <use class="b" href="#bulb" x="30" y="-25" />

  <rect x="90" y="10" width="40" height="40" fill="lightgray" />
  <circle id="button" cx="110" cy="30" r="15" fill="red" />
.lights {
  fill: none;
  stroke: #5f4c6c;
  stroke-width: 2;

.lights #button {
  cursor: pointer;