Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!

Day 19: How to Draw Text Along a Path with SVG

Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!

Drawing shapes is not the only use case for paths. We can also use them to render text along an invisible path. We can define a path in the definitions section and use it in a textPath element to make the text go around the circle. Here we use arc again, but you can use any other path and the text will follow the stroke.

<svg width="200" height="200" viewBox="-100 -100 200 200">
    <path id="text-arc" d="M 0, 50 A 50 50 0 1 1 1,50" />

    <textPath href="#text-arc">
      Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!